SCADA Curriculum Modules

Introduction to Supervisory Controls and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for Energy is a six module course.  Each module is focused by its specific learning objectives. The goal of the module course is to advance energy education by enabling faculty leaders to integrate SCADA into existing energy technician educational programs.  

SCADA Modules

SCADA Module 1: SCADA Overview

The primary objective for Module #1: SCADA Overview is to describe SCADA system basics and important differences with other control

Teaching Materials (Adobe PDF) (PowerPoint)

SCADA Module 2 - Components & Functionality

The primary objective for Module #2: Components and Functionality is to demonstrate competency of the key components of a SCADA system and their

Teaching Materials (Adobe PDF) (PowerPoint)

SCADA Module 3: Basics of SCADA Communications

The primary objective for Module #3: Basics of SCADA Communications is to describe the different communication systems used in SCADA.

The primary objective for Module #4: Human/Machine Interface is to demonstrate competency of the role and capabilities of operator interfaces.

SCADA Module 5: Applications within Renewable Energy Industry

The primary objective for Module #5: Applications within the Energy Industry is to demonstrate competency of implementing SCADA in real world applications,
specifically energy applications (install, operation, maintenance).

SCADA Module - Emerging Trends in SCADA for Renewables

The primary objective for Module #6: Emerging Trends in SCADA for Energy is to identify emerging technical trends, shifts, and innovations impacting SCADA
and its application in the energy sector.

Teaching Materials (Adobe PDF) (PowerPoint

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