Student Poster Presentations

CREATE’s Energy Education student posters were created by students in Energy education programs from across the country. This content is available to the public.

S. Ansorge,T. Helbig, W. Marquardt, M. Thomas, and K.Walz.  Creating a Solar Photovoltaic Roadmap. NSF Advanced Technological Education PI Conference, 2018.

N. Rebernick, K. Montgomery, and K. Walz.  Quantifying Electroluminescence Image Data for Multijunction Solar Cells.  NSF Advanced Technological Education PI Conference, 2018.

A. Scholes and K. Walz.  Self Cleaning Solar Panels.  NSF Advanced Technological Education PI Conference, 2017.

J. Schwarzmeier and K. Walz.  Gravitational Energy Storage. NSF Advanced Technological Education PI Conference, 2017.

R. Whitehead  Development of Piezoelectric Materials at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NSF Advanced Technological Education PI Conference, 2016.

J. Pintor Cuellar.  Development of Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cells for undergraduate laboratory instruction. NSF Advanced Technological Education PI Conference, 2016.

S. Barron and K. Walz.  Developing a General Chemistry Laboratory Procedure to Construct and Characterize Perovskite Solar Cells.  NSF Advanced Technological Education PI Conference, 2015

R. Morse and K. Walz.  A Low Cost Procedure to Explore the Relationship Between Viscosity and Temperature NSF Advanced Technological Education PI Conference, 2015

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