ATE Office Hours session – Argonne National Lab Bridges Energy project

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ATE Office Hours: Learn about the BRIDGES Case Studies – Free Classroom Ready Resources!
Thursday September 7, 2023
3:00pm – 4:00pm eastern

Are you interested in providing hands-on, relevant, data-centric experiences in your classroom? Join ATE Central and experts from the U.S. Department of Energy, Bioenergy Technologies Office, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to learn about resources they’ve created to help students explore clean energy topics while building STEM and critical thinking skills. The Bioenergy Research and Education Program (BRIDGES) cases studies are specifically designed and tested for community college classrooms, and include instructor guides that require no prior student or instructor bioenergy knowledge. Come learn more about these free resources during this live interactive event where you’ll get a chance to chat with the BRIDGES team as they preview the case studies – there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion. Hope you can join us!


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