CREATE’s workshops are designed for Energy faculty, administrators, and industry experts.
To get notified about upcoming CREATE workshops, sign up for our mailing list.
KidWind in collaboration with CREATE offers a variety of one-day virtual hands-on workshops covering energy topics. These workshops are geared towards middle and high school teachers and attendees will receive ~$100 worth of equipment.
These workshops take place on Saturdays from 11AM to 2PM Eastern. Use discount code 25CREATEVWKS at checkout to reduce registration costs from $200 to $10 – that’s $190 off! Register for them below!
The goal of the STEM Educator Institutes is to provide STEM Educators with energy lessons, classroom equipment, and a unique hands-on learning experience to take back to their students. The events are funded by the CREATE Energy NSF ATE National Center. Any STEM educator of middle school through college is invited to apply!
Each participant will be mailed a box of equipment, a $200 value at no cost, before the institute begins. You can perform each lesson with the provided equipment and guidance from our online sessions. You will also meet other teachers who you can collaborate and share ideas with!
When: April 26- May 10, 2025
For more information and the agenda, visit the Institute website.
When: July 8-10, 2025
The goal of the STEM Educator Institutes is to provide STEM Educators with energy lessons, classroom equipment, and a unique hands-on learning experience to take back to their students. This workshop has a specific focus on solar. The events are funded by the CREATE Energy NSF ATE National Center. Any STEM educator of middle school through college is invited to apply!
When: July 15-17, 2025
The NC STEM Educator Energy Institute is a three-day event intended to provide high school and community college STEM faculty with curriculum materials and hands-on experiences that will allow them to incorporate engaging energy education into their own classrooms.
When: July 29-31, 2025
The goal of the STEM Educator Institutes is to provide STEM Educators with energy lessons, classroom equipment, and a unique hands-on learning experience to take back to their students. This workshop has a specific focus on solar plus storage. The events are funded by the CREATE Energy NSF ATE National Center. Any STEM educator of middle school through college is invited to apply!
Copyright @ 2025 CREATE National Energy Center
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2201631. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.