Delaware Technical Community College Program Profile

Program Name: Solar Energy

This program was archived Fall 2024

Information Updated November 2022

Jennifer Clemons, Delaware Community College Renewable Energy Solar program faculty member

Lead Faculty

Jennifer Clemons Delaware Technical Community College


Delaware Technical Community College

Program Information

Date Started


# of Students in Program

Maximum class size in Energy Classes 16. Typical class size 10 for first year under 6 for second year classes.

# of Faculty Members Teaching Energy

Jennifer Clemons is the only Solar Faculty member. She teaches all of the PV courses, and also oversees the other AAS programs in Energy Management and Building Automation.

Degrees / Diplomas / Certificates Offered

Associate Degree in Applied Science: Solar Energy

Program Duration

Program is a 2 year AAS degree

Delivery Mode(s)

Face-To-Face with some Hybrid

# of Credits

Program requires 64 credits

Questions & Answers

There isn’t one place most of our students come from.  Occasionally, we have more high school students.  Other years, it might be military or change of career, where the bulk of students have come from.  Many of our students have been working in a related field such as HVAC or electrical and are looking to upgrade their skills.  Additionally, word of mouth from past graduates brings in additional students looking to change their career path.

The energy programs are housed in the Center for Energy Education and Training (CEET) building. This  facility was built in 2012 to host the energy programs and is LEED platinum certified. The facility is  approximately 7500 square feet. It contains 2 classrooms (which seat 16 each). There is the potential  for 3 lab spaces (large lab can be separated with collapsible doors; we usually leave them open.) 

  1. Alignment with jobs in the area (regionally in the Delaware/Maryland/PA region).
  2. The Solar Program is also aligned to NABCEP Technical Sales Exam.  Students sit for the PV Associate Exam at the end of the third semester.
  3. Advisory Board input. We have a very active advisory board, see below.
  4. 100% Job Placement in all Energy Majors, Energy Management, Renewable Solar and Building Automation Systems.
  5. Study abroad has been a huge recruiting tool for us (pre-covid). Several students learned about the program due to interest in our study abroad  program. We have traveled to Denmark and Switzerland to offer our NRG 154 (Alternative  Energy Technologies) course. In 2018 and 2019 students traveled to Italy for the Sustainability class (SOC 103), let by Energy faculty.

We meet with our advisory board three times a year. The board is extensive and is made up with many  different industries. We have the advisory board review courses and alignments to industry standards. 

Advisory board members are also invited to our Capstone Presentations in May.  All the potential  graduates in all three programs get together and present their final projects. Pre-Covid we provided lunch and encouraged the students to network with advisory board members.  Since 2020 this has been a virtual event.

We require all students to do a work experience. (This can be either internship or Co-Op.) Students are required to work in the field for 135 hours, to gain the 3 credits required.  Part of this work experience includes resume writing and career counseling. Most students receive a full-time offer after completing their work experience.

We also started our own job board email list serve. I auto-enroll all students at the beginning of the semester with their school and personal emails. All job opportunities are sent to all students enrolled in these energy technology programs, as well as alumni.

We happily boast that our placement rate is 100% for all our energy programs, for employment in the field or continuing education.   Because our program is an A.A.S. degree it is designed to go directly into the workforce, however some students choose to continue their education for a bachelor’s degree and more.

The Renewable Energy Solar program has an approved articulation agreement with Wilmington University for either their Organizational Management Bachelor’s Degree or their Environmental Science and Policy degree.

Even though it is not an articulated program, several of our graduates have attended Penn State for Energy and Sustainability Policy degree, which is available totally online. 

Faculty Name and Email:  Jennifer Clemons  [email protected]